Tuesday 10 March 2015

Relaxing Sunday Afternoon

Sunday was  one of those days that I love! After dog training in the rain! and a cooked breakfast I got the opportunity to indulge myself in some 'making'

For Christmas I was given a subscription to Simply Homemade magazine and a kit of IndigoBlu Flitter glue and flakes.  With several birthdays coming up shortly I decide to have a go at some card making.

I really enjoyed myself and I plan to  make  more cards in future! However time will tell!


  1. Those look great - Simply Homemade has some lovely ideas, doesn't it?

  2. I have never read Simply Homemade but those cards are a real delight.

  3. Simply homemade has some great ideas and my daughter has just extended my subscription as a birthday present so I now have 12 months of pleasure to look forward to
