Wednesday 18 February 2015

Birthday Celebration

I have been putting this moment off for a long time.....   I am an avid reader of blogs and for a long time have not had the courage to start one of my own while admiring those of you do blog.  I set up the page several months ago but couldn't bring myself to write a post!!! Where do I start, what am I going to say .....?

Well here goes!!!!

I decided a good starting point would be to introduce you to my dog Barney as he takes up a large part of my time every day. He is one year old this week  and the first year has been fun and exhausting at the same time but I couldn't imagine life without him - the house would be so empty.


He is a Sprocker and for those of you who don't know what that is - he is a cross between a cocker spaniel and springer spaniel. That says it all! 

bouncy and mischievous. 

He gets into everything. Socks, gloves, shoes and hats are his favourite play things and recently he learnt to open the washing machine if I am not quick enough at the end of a cycle - you can imagine what happens!

He has grown lots this year  both in size and personality but has lost none of his bounce and energy. helping out with everything I do. I am sure there will be more tales of his adventures as the year progresses but for now I will finish with a picture of him at ONE- on top of his bed where he usually spends his time these days.


  1. Congrats on your first post, and welcome to blogland! And happy birthday to Barney - he's so sweet and I'm looking forward to following his adventures and seeing all your lovely makes too :-)

  2. Congratulations on writing your first post. It will become easier the longer you stick at it! Barney is adorable and I bet he feels on top of the World sitting above the bed. He probably thinks he has chosen the top bunk!!! :-)

  3. Happy birthday Barnet ! Aren't you just gorgeous.

  4. He is adorable.I am a dog walker and have been looking after Tallulah the sprocker ( chocolate ) for 3 years.She never gets tired,is very loving but very demanding and can play ALL DAY.xx
